University of Rochester events
Item set
"The Gifford Report: Study on Race Relations at the University of Rochester" is issued (1983) 1983
"The Safe Zone Campaign," a University-wide program developed by undergraduate students, begins: it provides support for LGBTQ individuals and allies (1999) 1999
"Where Do We Go From Here?" an original musical about the merger of the men's and women's college, is produced by Kaleidoscope, the women's theatre group (1953) 1953
“Double Helix” curriculum begins: integrates basic science and clinical medicine throughout the four-year M.D. program (1999) 1999
24-beam Omega laser becomes operational at LLE (1980) 1980
A Department of Psychiatry is founded, the first department added to the medical school since its opening. Construction of Wing R, first major addition to the building complex, gets under way. (1946) 1946
A dormitory for nurses opens at the Medical School and will be named for Helen Wood in 1933 (1925) 1925
A faculty task force recommends the formation of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, unifiying them under a single administrative structure (1994) 1994
A graduate department is established at the Eastman School of Music (1926) 1926
A marble bust of Frederick Douglass sculpted by Johnson Mundy is placed on display at the University. Today it can be seen in Douglass Commons (1879)
1879 -
A Medical Center scientist becomes the first to successfully grow HPV 11--the Human Papilloma Virus in cell culture (1992) 1992
A record number of women (13) are in the medical school graduating class. (1949) 1949
A Students' Army Training Corps is established on campus when the US enters World War I (1918) 1918
A. Bret Waller serves as director of the Memorial Art Gallery (1980) 1980
A. Clyde Roller appointed conductor of the Eastman Wind Ensemble (1962) 1962
Abraham Flexner of the Rockefeller-supported General Education Board meets with George Eastman to propose a medical school in Rochester (1920) 1920
Alan Valentine is inaugurated as the University's fourth President (1935) 1935
Albert T. Barrett, Class of 1869, witnesses the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln (1865) 1865
- Albion Tourgee (Class of 1862) defends Homer Plessy in the Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but equal" case before the Supreme Court (1896)
Alf Klingenberg appointed Director of the Eastman School of Music (1921) 1921
Alumni Association is established (1853) 1853
Anderson and Wilder Towers are named and dedicated. They opened in 1963. (1966) 1966
Annette Gardner Munro becomes Dean of Women, and is the first woman to receive an honorary degree from the University (1910) 1910
Annual Diversity Conference: Boundless Together--How Do We Move Forward When We Disagree? (2024)
2024-10-15 -
Annual Diversity Conference: Building a Stronger Community (2010) 2010
Annual Diversity Conference: Change the Conversation (2012) 2012-04-20
Annual Diversity Conference: Crossroads--An Opportunity for Progress (2014) 2014-03-28
Annual Diversity Conference: From Bystander to Ally (2015) 2015-04-17
Annual Diversity Conference: It’s Our Time: Creating a World for All (2017) 2017
Annual Diversity Conference: Our Differences, Our Strengths (2013) 2013-04-12
Annual Diversity Conference: Overcoming the Invisible (2018) 2018-04-13
Annual Diversity Conference: Why Diversity? (2011) 2011
Anthony Hecht, English, wins the Pulitzer Prize for poetry for his book The Hard Hour (1968) 1968
Anthony Memorial Hall opens and houses a gymnasium and other facilities for the College for Women (1914) 1914
As part of a capital campaign, George Eastman gives $500,000 to the University endowment to keep President Rhees in Rochester (1912) 1912
Astronaut Ed Gibson '59 serves as a crew member for Skylab 3; for 21 years he will hold the American record for time spent in space. (1974) 1974
Azariah Boody donates 8 acres of land which will form the nucleus for a new campus on Prince Street (1853)
1853 -
Azariah Boody Society makes its first appearance at Convocation (1998) 1998
Basketball becomes an intercollegiate sport (1901) 1901
Bausch and Lomb Riverside Park created along Wilson Boulevard (1989) 1989
Beatrice Amaza Howard is the first African-American woman to graduate from UR (1931)
1931 -
Black Panther leader Eldredge Cleaver urges students to “take a decisive break with this system, and take a blow for the human race.” (1968-10-10) 1968-10-10
Booker T. Washington is invited by President Rhees and gives a talk to students (1902) 1902
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill accepts an honorary Doctor of Laws degree via radio broadcast (1941) 1941
By the end of World War II, more than 500 Eastman School of Music students and alumni have served in the armed forces, with nine casualties. (1945) 1945
Carlson Library opens (1987) 1987
Carol G. Simon Hall dedicated (1991) 1991
Catharine Strong Hall for the College for Women opens and houses classrooms, offices, and an auditorium (1914) 1914
Center for Future Health, a collaboration of University physicians and engineers, receives start-up funds to explore new technologies (2000) 2000
Center for Optoelectronics and Imaging opens on South Campus (1993) 1993
Charles Augustus Thompson is the University's first African-American graduate (1891)
1891 -
Charles E. Phelps, chair of Community and Preventive Medicine, and professor of political science and of economics in the College, is named provost (1994) 1994
Charles Kochakian, the inventor of anabolic steroids, graduates from the School of Medicine and Dentistry. (1936) 1936
College of Education established; William A. Fullagar is first Dean (1958) 1958
College of Engineering established; Lewis D. Conta is appointed Acting Dean (1958) 1958
College Town opens (2015) 2015
Computer Studies Building opens (1987) 1987
Construction begins on a new medical complex, one of the first to combine a medical school and teaching hospital under one roof (1922) 1922
Cornelis de Kiewiet is inaugurated as the University's fifth President (1951) 1951
Cutler Union opens on the Prince Street Campus: it is the first student union built at an American women's college (1934) 1934
D. Carleton Gajdusek '43 shares the Nobel Prize in medicine for "the identification of a new class of human diseases caused by unique infectious agents." (1976) 1976
Daniel Burton Fayerweather Professorship of Mathematics is established (1896) 1896
David Jayne Hill is inaugurated as the University's second President (1889) 1889
David T. Kearns Center for Leadership and Diversity is announced (2002) 2002
David T. Kearns elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1978) 1978
de Kiewiet and Valentine dormitories open (1966) 1966
Debut concerts of the Eastman Wind Orchestra and PRISM (1975) 1975
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity is established (1856) 1856
Delta Psi fraternity is established; it will remain active until 1895.
(1851) 1851
Delta Upsilon fraternity established (1853) 1853
Dennis O'Brien is inaugurated as the University's eight president (1984) 1984
Department of Anatomy approved to grant PhDs (1931-02-17) 1931-02-17
Department of Bacteriology approved to grant PhDs (1929-09-27) 1929-09-27
Department of Biochemistry approved to grant PhDs (1924-05-14) 1924-05-14
Department of Biology (Botany and Zoology) approved to grant PhDs (1929-10-10) 1929-10-10
Department of Biophysics approved to grant PhDs (1935-06-12) 1935-06-12
Department of Black Studies established (2022)
2022-10-06 -
Department of Chemistry approved to grant PhDs (1927-06-24) 1927-06-24
Department of Economics approved to grant PhDs (1937-12-15) 1937-12-15
Department of English approved to grant PhDs (1936-06-09) 1936-06-09
Department of French approved to grant PhDs (1934-12-12) 1934-12-12
Department of Geology approved to grant PhDs (1934-06-12) 1934-06-12
Department of Mathematics approved to grant PhDs (1935-06-12) 1935-06-12
Department of Music approved to grant PhDs (1931-02-17) 1931-02-17
Department of Optics approved to grant PhDs (1941-05-13) 1941-05-13
Department of Pathology approved to grant PhDs (1932-11-03) 1932-11-03
Department of Physics approved to grant PhDs (1932-06-14) 1932-06-14
Department of Physiology approved to grant PhDs (1929-12-20) 1929-12-20
Department of Psychiatry approved to grant PhDs (1927-10-31) 1927-10-31
Department of Psychology approved to grant PhDs (1936-06-09) 1936-06-09
Department of Vital Economics approved to grant PhDs (1925-06-10) 1925-06-10
Dexter Perkins, Watson Professor of History at the University, an internationally known authority on American diplomatic history, retires. (1954) 1954
Diversity Conference: #URDiversity: What Do You Stand For? (2016) 2016-04-08
Donald A. Gaudion elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1970) 1970
Donald Hunsberger appointed conductor of the Eastman Wind Ensemble (1965) 1965
Dr. Arthur Kornberg 1941M shares the Nobel Prize in biochemistry. (1959) 1959
Dr. Elizabeth Denio becomes the first woman professor, and teaches art history (1910) 1910
Dr. John Hope Franklin lectures on dissent and free speech at intellectual institutions (1955) 1955
Dr. John Romano, founding chair of the Psychiatry department, recommends one snake be dropped from the University Seal as more accurately representing the physician's cadeuceus (1986) 1986
Drs. George Corner and Willard Allen of the School of Medicine and Dentistry, are the first to successfully isolate the hormone progesterone. (1929) 1929