University of Rochester events
Item set
During World War II, Rochester joins other medical schools in an accelerated program; between 1942 and 1948, seven classes graduate. (1942) 1942
Eastman Dental Center opens (1925) 1925
Eastman Initiatives, a series of programs designed to prepare students better for the professional music world in the 21st century is introduced (1996) 1996
Eastman Laboratory Building opens (1906) 1906
Eastman Place opens, with the new Sibley Music Library (1989) 1989
Eastman School of Music inaugurates the Gateways Music Festival, a celebration of Black classical music and musicians (1995) 1995
Eastman School of Music opens; 275 students are enrolled in the Bachelor of Music program (1921) 1921
Eastman Student Living Center opens (1991) 1991
Eastman Theatre construction begins (1920) 1920
Eastman Theatre is renovated and restored to its original elegance through a gift of Eastman Kodak (1971) 1971
Eastman Wind Ensemble makes its Carnegie Hall debut (1961) 1961
Eastman Wind Ensemble records Carnaval album with Wynton Marsalis (1986) 1986
Educational Opportunity Program is established and the first cohort of students of color receive targeted academic and social support services. (1968) 1968
Edward Bright elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1886) 1886
Edward G. Miner elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1937) 1937
Edward Mott Moore elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1893) 1893
Edwin I. Colodny elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1985) 1985
Ella S. Wilcoxen is the first woman to earn a degree—Ph.B. (1901) 1901
Enrollment at the start of the Civil War is 155 students, with 6 professors (1861) 1861
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Leadership Summit: Lift Off: Lead. Connect. Transform. (2022 )
2022-04-07 -
Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience opens at the Medical Center (2009) 2009
EROI: Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative is launched (2002) 2002
Faculty research and lobbying result in New York State's safety-belt law, the first in the country (1984) 1984
Fanny Knapp Allen Professorship in Fine Arts established (1980) 1980
Finger snapping introduced at the Students' Association (1980) by Alan Cohen 1980-10-06
First "class" inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame (1992) 1992
First commencement ceremony is held in Corinthian Hall (1851-07-09)
1851-07-09 -
First International Robin Hood Conference is held (1997) 1997
First nursing graduates receive their diplomas in June (1928) 1928
Football becomes an interscholastic sport (1889) 1889
Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African American Studies established (1985) 1985
Frederick Fennell '37, '39 (MM) creates the renowned Eastman Wind Ensemble (1952) 1952
G. Robert Witmer Jr., elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (2003) 2003
Gay Liberation Front is founded (1969) 1969
George B. Selden, Class of 1865, invents the "horseless carriage." (1879) 1879
George Eastman announces his gift to fund a school of music (1919) 1919
George Eastman's first gift to the University: a camera for the Geology Department (1899) 1899
George Herdle serves as the first director of the Memorial Art Gallery (1913) 1913
George Walker '57E (DMA) wins the Pulitzer Prize for his work Lilacs for Voice and Orchestra (1996) 1996
George Whipple is recruited as founding dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry (1921) 1921
George Whipple receives the Nobel Prize for his research on anemia (1934) 1934
Gideon Webster Burbank endows a professorship in Intellectual and Moral Philosophy (1854) 1854
Gilbert Hall dormitory opens (1960) 1960
Goergen Athletic Center opens, the culmination of a $15 million renovation to the River Campus athletic facilities (2000) 2000
Goergen Hall for Biomedical Engineering and Optics opens (2007) 2007
Goler House is dedicated (1972) 1972
Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong is renamed in recognition of Tom Golisano (2002) 2002
Graduate School of Education is renamed in honor of Margaret Warner Scandling (1993) 1993
Graham Smith Plaza is dedicated (1976) 1976
Grant Holcomb appointed director of the Memorial Art Gallery (1985) 1985
Greater University Campaign hopes to raise "$10 million in 10 days" (1924) 1924
Greater University Fund Book
1931 -
Ground is broken for a "new" Strong Memorial Hospital. Between 1969-79, 700,000+ sq ft will be added to URMC facilities. (1969) 1969
Ground is broken for LLE’s building on the University’s South Campus (1976) 1976
Ground is broken for Schlegel Hall (1990) 1990-05-16
Ground is broken for the Memorial Art Gallery's second addition. (1968) 1968
Ground is broken for the River Campus (1927-05-21) 1927-05-21
Harkness Hall, named for 1858 alumnus William Harkness, opens (1946) 1946
Harris K. Prior appointed director of the Memorial Art Gallery (1962) 1962
Henrik Dam, senior research associate in biochemistry, shares the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of Vitamin K and its effects in halting bleeding (1943) 1943
Henry Ward Beecher is the first Commencement speaker (1851) 1851
Hoeing Hall dormitory opens (1956) 1956
Hopeman Engineering Building opens (1963) 1963
Howard Hanson becomes director of the Eastman School, and will serve until 1964 (1924) 1924
Howard Hanson establishes the Eastman Philharmonia (1958) 1958
Howard Hanson wins the Pulitzer Prize. (1944) 1944
Hoyt Hall opens (1962) 1962
Hundreds of UR students, led by members of Students for a Democratic Society rally, march, and picket in protest against the University's contract with the Center for Naval Analysis; 3 days later, over 300 students "open up" the Administration Building. (1969) 1969
Hutchison Hall is dedicated (1972)
1972 -
In honor of the sesquicentennial of Frederick Douglass, the Men’s Dining Center (which also included the Faculty Club, and African Students’ Center) is formally renamed as the “Frederick Douglass Building.” Today it is Douglass Commons. (1967-04-27)
1967-04-27 -
Institute for Music Leadership: it is designed to challenge musicians at all stages of their careers to approach music and society in innovative ways (2000) 2000
Institute of Optics and the Department of Biomedical Engineering break ground on a new building that will house both programs (2004) 2004
International Theatre Program established (1990) 1990
Interpres Universitatis, a yearbook, is the first enduring publication established by students (1858) 1858
Ivoe De Calesta (Class of 1902) enrolls in 1898, and may be the first Hispanic student at the University (1898) 1898
J. Lowell Orbison Distinguished Service Alumni Professorship is established (1972) 1972
James S. Gleason Hall opens (2001) 2001
James Undercofler appointed Dean of the Eastman School of Music (1996) 1996
Jesse T. Moore, professor of history, receives the Edward Peck Curtis award (1980) 1980
Jim Pawelczyk '82 flies on the Columbia space shuttle as a payload specialist (1998) 1998
Joel Seligman is named the 10th president of Rochester (2004) 2004
John Bond Trevor elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1872) 1872
John Bond Trevor Professorship of English and Comparative Literature is endowed (1892) 1892
John Mahey appointed director of the Memorial Art Gallery (1975) 1975
John Munro Professorship endowed (1851) 1851
John Pixley Munn elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1916) 1916
Joseph C. Wilson elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1959) 1959
Joseph T. Alling elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1931) 1931
Julian Bond speaks in Strong Auditorium on “The Role in the Future for the Black American,” as part of a Black Culture Series sponsored by the Outside Speakers Committee. (1968-12-08) 1968-12-08
Juneteenth becomes an official University holiday
2022-06-20 -
Kappa Nu fraternity opens its house (1955) 1955
Keidaean Honor Society is formed (1924) 1924
KEY--Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year -- funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation begins (2003) 2003
Kornberg Building opens and is home to the Aab Institute of Biomedical Sciences (1999) 1999
Laser Lab for Energetics dedicated with a six-beam Zeta laser (1978) 1978
Leonard Mandel and his students invent the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer (1987) 1987
Lewis Henry Morgan dies; he leaves his fortune to the University for the establishment of a women's college (1881) 1881
Lewis Pratt Ross elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1903) 1903
Lillian Fairchild Award celebrates its 75th year (1999) 1999
Lionel McKenzie, Economics, receives the Order of the Rising Sun from the Japanese government (1995) 1995