University of Rochester events
Item set
Lionel McKenzie, Economics, receives William H. Riker University Award for Graduate Teaching (1988) 1988
Lonnie Mitchell is appointed as both the director of the newly-formed Center for Afro-American Studies and as a professor of psychology (1970) 1970
Loretta Ford, co-founder of the nurse practitioner movement, is recruited as founding dean of the newly-independent School of Nursing (1972) 1972
Louis C. Lasagna Professorship in Clinical Pharmacology is endowed (1986) 1986
Lovejoy Hall dedicated (1954) 1954
M. Elizabeth Marsh earns a doctoral degree in physiology of nutrition: the first woman awarded a Ph.D. at the University (1927) 1927
M. Herbert Eisenhart elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1945) 1945
Marcus Alexis is hired as an Associate Professor of Business Administration (1962), the first Black faculty member on the River Campus.
1962 -
Marion Warren Fry is the first women to elected to the University's Board of Trustees and serves until 1958. (1943) 1943
Mark Scatterday is appointed conductor of the Eastman Wind Ensemble (2002) 2002
Martin Brewer Anderson is inaugurated as the University's first President (1854) 1854
Mary Steichen Calderone '39M, first medical director of Planned Parenthood, is inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame (1998) 1998
Mees Observatory opens (1965) 1965
Meliora Hall opens (1973) 1973
Meliora Weekend is established (2001) 2001
Mercer Brugler elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1967) 1967
Meredith Brown Skelton Memorial stained glass window
1930 -
Meridian Marker on the Eastman Quadrangle is installed to mark the philanthropy of George Eastman on the centennial of his birth (1954) 1954
Merle Spurrier Gymnasium is dedicated (1974) 1974
Michael Gottlieb '73M publishes the first report describing patients with the disease which will be known as AIDS (1981) 1981
Midnight Ramblers vocal group forms (1998) 1998
Miller Center opens across from the Eastman Theatre on Gibbs Street (1988) 1986
Miner Medical Library is renovated and expanded (1987) 1987
Moshe Lubin brings together Rochester scientists to explore laser science initiatives. (1965) 1965
Munro Hall, a dormitory for the College for Women, opens on the Prince Street Campus (1939) 1939
Nan Johnson co-founds and is the first director of the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership (1995) 1995
Naomi Hooker Chamberlain is appointed Coordinator of Community Services for the Rehabilitation Center at URMC (1963)
1963 -
Nora Bredes is named Director of the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership (1999) 1999
Omega is converted to a 60-beam laser, capable of producing 30 kilojoules of ultraviolet laser light (1995) 1995
OMEGA laser at the Laser Laboratory for Laser Energetics begins an upgrade (1992) 1992
On May 1, Sigma Chi fraternity holds its first "Derby Day." (1965) 1965
Patrick Barry House becomes a University property (1963) 1963
Pedestrian bridge connecting the campus with Rochester’s 19th Ward opens (1991) 1991
Peter Lyman Tennis Center is dedicated (1998) 1998
Phi Beta Kappa charter is granted (1886) 1886
Philip S. Bernstein Professorship in Jewish Studies is established (1974) 1974
Pioneering dental researchers publish their studies on the use of fluoride to prevent dental cavities. (1939) 1939
Plutzik Poetry Reading Series begins (1962) 1962
Premiere concert of the Cutler Union Chamber Music Series (1960) 1960
Presidential Diversity Awards (2010) 2010
Presidential Diversity Awards (2011) 2011
Professor Charles W. Dodge establishes the Department of Biology (1890) 1890
Professor of English Kathrine Koller becomes the first woman to head a major academic department at the University of Rochester. (1946) 1946
Psi Upsilon Fraternity is established (1858) 1858
Raymond N. Ball elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1952) 1952
Recordings of Civil War music by Frederick Fennell and the Eastman Wind Ensemble are featured in Ken Burns's film The Civil War (1990) 1990
Researchers begin assembling and testing cinefluorography--the first motion picture X-rays. (1947) 1947
Reynolds Laboratory opens for use by the Chemistry department (1887) 1887
Richard Feldman is appointed interim President by the Board of Trustees (2018) 2018
Robert B. Goergen elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1991) 1991
Robert F. Kennedy speaks in Strong Auditorium; Campus Young Republicans protest the appearance. (1964-09-29) 1964-09-29
Robert Freeman appointed Director of the Eastman School of Music (1972) 1972
Robert L. Sproull is installed as Rochester's seventh president (1975) 1975
Robert Ward, 1939M, wins the Pulitzer Prize for Music. (1962) 1962
Rochester and seven other universities join to form the UAA (University Athletic Association) (1986) 1986
Rochester hosts first Rochester International Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics. (1960) 1960
Rochester receives NSF grant to demonstrate laser technology to faculty at other universities. (1962) 1962
Rochester's business school is named in honor of former Secretary of the Treasury William E. Simon. (1986) 1986
Rocky the University mascot makes his debut (2008) 2008-02-01
Ronald Rettner Hall for Media Arts and Innovation is dedicated (2013) 2013
Rufus Adams Sibley elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1902) 1902
Rush Rhees is inaugurated as the University's third President (1900) 1900
Sage Dining Hall is named and dedicated for William Sage. It opened in 1963. (1966) 1966
SALSA, the College’s Spanish and Latino Students’ Association, is formed in November by Edward Chafart (1987) 1987
Sarah C. Mangelsdorf is inaugurated as the 11th President of the University (2019) 2019
School of Business Administration established; John M. Brophy is appointed first Director (1958) 1958
Sesquicentennial: The University celebrates its 150th anniversary (2000) 2000
Sevin Yeltekin appointed as the 8th Dean of the Simon School of Music (2020) 2020
Sibley Hall opens (1876) 1876
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity is established (1967) 1967
Simon Tuska (Class of 1856), the first Jewish student to attend the University of Rochester, writes "A Stranger in the Synagogue," the first work published by a student or alumnus (1854)
1854 -
Six Rochester alumni are killed in the September 11 attacks (2001-09-11) 2001-09-11
Stanton/Anthony Conversations Series begins (1995) 1995
Statement of Educational Philosophy (2005) 2005
Statue of President Anderson is moved from the Prince Street Campus and placed between the Burton and Crosby Residence Halls (1955)
1955 -
Steven Chu '70 shares the 1997 Nobel Prize in physics (1997) 1997
Strong Memorial Hospital acquires its first heart-lung machine. (1957) 1957
Strong Memorial Hospital opens (1926) 1926
Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Studies established (1986) 1986
Susan B. Anthony Professorship is established (1983) 1983
Take Five Program created (1986) 1986
The “White Report” commissioned by the Board of Trustees to investigate the EEOC Complaint is issued (2018) 2018
The 5000th PhD is awarded (1986) 1986
The administration building is renamed in honor of President W. Allen Wallis (1998) 1998
The Black Students Union lead a six-day takeover of the 3rd and 4th floors of the Frederick Douglass Building... (1969) 1969
The Black Students’ Union and Pan-Afrikan Graduate Students’ Association issue "Special Report: An Assessment of the University of Rochester" (1983-07-01) 1983-07-01
The Campaign for the ’90s surpasses its goal of $375 million (1996) 1996
The Cancer Center is renamed the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center (2000) 2000
The Centennial Ode, with words by Professor of English John Rothwell Slater and music by Howard Hanson is performed at a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the University (1950) 1950
The Class of 2021 scores in the 97th percentile for the SAT – 11 points higher than 2005 (2017) 2017
The College Diversity Roundtable (CDR) is founded (1999-11-16) 1999-11-16
The College for Men's theatre group, "The Quilting Club," begins putting on an annual original musical show (1940) 1940
The College for Women is established and the University becomes coordinate, with separate classrooms and facilities for men and women (1913) 1913
The College's Korean American Student's Association (KASA) is founded (1980) 1980
The Croceus and Interpres yearbooks merge (1942) 1942
The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch, History, is published (1979) 1979
The Eastman Dental Center becomes part of the Medical Center (1998) 1998
The Eastman School offers a new degree, Doctor of Musical Arts, one of the first of its kind in the country. (1953) 1953
The Eastman Theatre opens on September 4 (1922) 1922
The Eaves Report (Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Report on Minority Graduate and Faculty recruitment and retention Issues) is submitted (1992) 1992