University of Rochester events
Item set
The final year for the Flag Rush (1964) 1964
The first African-American student, Henry Austin Spencer, matriculates (1881)
1881 -
The first Boar's Head Dinner is celebrated (1934) 1934
The first men's dormitory, Kendrick Hall, opens on the Prince Street campus (1913) 1913
The Grapevine, issued by the Office of Minority Student Affairs , begins publication “for the purpose of providing the minority community with a voice for their concerns." (1973)
1973 -
The Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences is named to honor a $30 million commitment from Ed Hajim ‘58 (2009) 2009
The Hib vaccine is approved for infant immunization; over the next decade, it is responsible for virtually wiping out bacterial meningitis. (1990) 1990
The Hopeman Chime becomes the Hopeman Carillon with the installation of 50 new bells (1973) 1973
The Institute of Optics Director Robert Hopkins recruits Emil Wolf. Wolf, in turn, recruits Leonard Mandel, one of the pioneers of quantum optics. (1958) 1958
The Institute of Optics is founded (1929) 1929
The Interfaith Chapel is dedicated--one of the largest glass structures of its kind in the world, with 6,500 square feet of colored-glass walls (1970)
1970-05-24 -
The Laboratory for Laser Energetics is founded; Moshe Lubin appointed director (1970) 1970
The Legislature of the State of New York votes $25,000 for a new building --which will open in 1861 as Anderson Hall--and matching funds are obtained. (1857) 1857
The Medical Center launches its $400 million strategic plan (1997) 1997
The Meliora Challenge is launched (2011) 2011
The Memorial Art Gallery is dedicated (1913) 1913
The Presidential Commission on Race and Diversity is established in response to a petition from student minority leadership groups (2016) 2016
The Renaissance Plan is announced (1995) 1995
The River Campus is dedicated. The College for Men moves to the River Campus; the College for Women take over the Prince Street Campus (1930) 1930
The River Campus stadium is named in honor of Edwin Fauver. (1950) 1950
The School of Medicine and Dentistry welcomes its first class of 20 men and two women (1925) 1925
The School of Nursing begins work on the Loretta C. Ford Education Wing (2004) 2004
The Sibley Music Library moves from the first floor of the main ESM building into its own new building on Swan Street (1937) 1937
The Sphinxes are moved from Sibley Hall to flank the doors between Morey and Lattimore (1955) 1955
The Student Association for Development of Interest in the Indian Subcontinents (ADITI) is established (1985) 1985
The student newspaper--first called the University Record, later the Campus, and now the Campus-Times--begins publication (1873) 1873
The Tower Times and Campus newspapers merge to form the Campus-Times (1955) 1955
The University becomes Rochester’s largest employer (2005) 2005
The University commemorates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Frederick Douglass by hosting a series of lectures (1967) 1967
The University has a Navy Band from 1944-1945 (1944) 1944
The University launches a concentration in Women's Studies (Susan B. Anthony Institute) (1980) 1980
The University mace, a symbol of the president's authority, is first introduced at Alan Valentine's inauguration (1935) 1935
The University moves to Prince Street with the opening of Anderson Hall (1861) 1861
The University of Rochester founds a campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity (1995) 1995
The University of Rochester Glee Club is founded (1875) 1875
The University of Rochester's "Cosmic Ray Group" forms (1948) 1948
The University officially adopts blue (PB3/12 on the Munsell Scale) and "cadmium yellow medium" as its school colors. (1954) 1954
The University’s partnership with East High School begins (2015) 2015
The women's dormitory--the Women's Residence Hall--is renamed in honor of Susan B. Anthony (1974) 1974
The world's premier conference on high energy physics, the Rochester Conference, has its first meeting. (1950) 1950
The Yellowjackets, an all-male a capella group forms (1956) 1956
Theodore Thanbyah is the University's first Asian graduate (1871)
1871 -
Theophano Mitsa and Kevin Parker publish their first article outlining the work, “Digital Halftoning Using a Blue Noise Mask" (1991) 1991
Theta Delta Chi fraternity is established (1867) 1867
Thomas H. Jackson is inaugurated as the University's as Rochester's ninth president. (1994) 1994
Tiernan Hall dormitory opens (1957) 1957
Tommy Dorsey, Frank Sinatra, and Buddy Rich play for the Interfraternity Ball in Cutler Union (1941) 1941
Tracy Hyde Harris Professorship is endowed (1867) 1867
Two busloads of Rochester undergraduates head to Washington, D.C., to participate in a nonviolent demonstration urging the U.S. government to a "Turn Toward Peace" in Vietnam. (1962) 1962
Undergraduates picket Woolworth's in downtown Rochester to protest student arrests and lunch-counter discrimination in the South. (1960) 1960
University Libraries acquire the system’s 3 millionth title (1999) 1999
University of Rochester Charter
1850-01-31 -
University of Rochester scientists, under the leadership of Marshall Gates, are the first to synthesize morphine in a laboratory. (1952) 1952
University Seal is redesigned to include the insignias for music and medicine (1928) 1928
UR Press established (1990) 1990
URBee, a new University mascot, makes his debut (1983-09-14)
1983-09-14 -
Vincent du Vigneaud, who earned his Ph.D. from the School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1927, wins the 1955 Nobel Prize in chemistry (1955) 1955
Virginia A. Dwyer elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1988) 1988
Vocal Point, an all-women's a capella groups forms. (1969) 1969
W. Allen Wallis assumes the title of Chancellor; Robert L. Sproull becomes President (1970) 1970
W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy is established (1992) 1992
W. Allen Wallis is installed as the University's sixth president. (1962) 1962
Walter Hendl appointed Director of the Eastman School of Music (1964) 1964
Warren Myron Sperry earns the first Ph.D. degree, in biochemistry (1925) 1925
Wayne Knox appointed director of the Institute of Optics (2001) 2001
William Kelly elected Chair of the Board of Trustees (1860) 1860
Wilson Commons is dedicated (1976) 1976
Women are admitted on equal terms as undergraduates, and the University becomes coeducational (1900) 1900
Women students start their own yearbook, the Croceus; the first issue is dedicated to Susan B. Anthony (1909) 1909
Women's dormitories open, with wings named for Susan B. Anthony, Lewis Henry Morgan, Mary T. L. Gannett and Emily Weed Hollister (1955) 1955
WRUR changes its frequency to 88.5 (1969) 1969
WRUR starts broadcasting campus-wide from the basement of Burton dormitory at AM 650 (1948) 1948
Yellowjacket Day begins (1976) 1976
Yellowjacket Men win NCAA Division III National Basketball Championship (1990) 1990
Yellowjacket women win the NCAA Division III National Soccer Championship in 1986 and 1987 (1986) 1986
Yellowjackets became the first undefeated football team in University of Rochester history. (1952) 1952
Yellowjackets post a perfect - unbeaten and untied - season in men's UAA soccer (1997) 1997