¿Y tú… Cómo proteges tu Identidad? Homo sapiens sapiens es una asociación civil que promueve los derechos humanos y civiles de los homosexuales, así cómo el respeto a la diversidad social, sexual y cultural de las personas. La bandera (Arco iris) fue diseñada por Gilbert Baker en 1978 como propuesta para el concurso que organizó el comité del orgullo gay de Sn. Francisco para escoger un símbolo para la marcha anual del orgullo gay. La compaña Lazo Rojo es un movimiento mundial de lucha contra el SIDA, portar un lazo rojo significa estar informado, apoyar solidariamente a enfermos e infectados y saber cómo protegerse. APDO. Postal 38-34. Antigua Central Camionera 44461. Guadalajara Jalisco, México. E-mail: homosapiens@members.gayweb.com
Photograph of a man's thighs with hands resting on them.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
58.0cm x 45.0cm
Alternative Title
Y tu.... como proteges tu Identidad?
Record Content Source
University of Rochester, River Campus Libraries
still image
Location - Physical Location
University of Rochester, River Campus Libraries, Department of Rare Books, Special Collections & Preservation
Link to catalog
AIDS Education Collection
Bibliographic Citation
[Item title, item date], AIDS Education Collection; Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation; River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester.
The copyright and related rights status of this Item has not been evaluated. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. See more here: http://rightsstatements.org/page/CNE/1.0/?language=en
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If you are the copyright holder for materials in this collection and have suggestions for amending the metadata, or would prefer that the image of the item(s) not appear on this website, please contact us: rarebks@library.rochester.edu. We ask that you consider the value your work has in adding to a comprehensive understanding of the efforts to educate and inform people of HIV and AIDS prevention as you make your decision regarding removal of your copyrighted image.
Poster Drupal Node ID
Translated Title
And you... how do you protect your identity?
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Full Location Information
Mexico Apdo. Postal 38-34, Antigua Central Camionera Guadalajara Jalisco JAL Mexico MX
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