Dante enters hell / Beatrice Nettles.
Caption title. ; During my travels to cemeteries for several years I have photographed over five thousand last names on headstones that are parts of speech ... The inspiration to write my version of the Inferno occurred to me after I located the surnames Dante, Virgil and Styx. I had already found Beatrice, Heaven and Hell. What followed were months of reading translations and summaries and beginning to write my adaptation. Next the photographs were edited for clarity. In addition to being symbolic and sophisticated, Dante's journey down through the nine circles is graphic. I have tried to keep my version simple enough for the first time reader, while recounting his progress as accurately as my limited collection of words would allow--Colophon on envelope.
Adaptation of Dante's Inferno created using reproductions of photographs of names on headstones to form the text. Accordion folded sheet; extends to 91 cm when fully open. Text on both sides of the sheet. Housed in an envelope-style holder. Signed by the artist.
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Sepulchral monuments in art. ; Sepulchral monuments Lettering. ; Artists' books Specimens. ; Artists' books.
Found poetry. ; Artists' books Illinois Urbana 2016. ; Accordion fold format. ; Found poetry.
Illinois Urbana.
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Nettles, Bea, 1946- author, book artist.
Urbana, Illinois : Bea Nettles, 2016
16 unnumbered pages : color illustrations ; 12 x 22 cm, in envelope 13 x 22 cm
Adaptation of (expression): Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Inferno. English.