Magic sunrise / Heidi West.
Title and most descriptive information from accompanying artist's statement. ; Materials include: paper, vellum.
This book form combines the structure of a flag book and a diagonal pocket. Rather than using the diagonal pocket as a folio or cover or another book form, the pockets are turned and secured on the outside, creating an ideal vessel for 32 separate miniature collages. When turned inside-out, the structure of the diagonal pocket design creates a flag with three tiered, triangular pockets on one side and an additional rectangular pocket on the back side. Both covers and collaged artworks tucked inside each pocket are created from limited edition reproductions of hand-drawn geometric designs, produced by the artist. Additional embellishments are created using paper scraps and drawing techniques. A collaged sleeve is used as a closure and finishing flourish to the design--Artist's statement.
Art Media Workroom
N7433.4 .W472 M34 2018
Sunrise in art. ; Paper art Specimens. ; Artists' books Specimens.
Flag books. ; Collages. ; Artists' books.
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West, Heidi, book artist
Denver, Colorado : Heidi West, 2018. ; Denver, Colorado : Abecedarian Artists Books
1 volume : color illustrations ; 19 cm