UR Gay Liberation Front To Analyze Institutions
UR Gay Liberation Front To Analyze Institutions
Article relaying details about the newly formed Gay Liberation Front on campus including a run down of events for the upcoming semester.
Campus Times
University of Rochester
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Campus Times (December 04, 1970), Campus times (University of Rochester), LD4747.C197, Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
Black power? Woman power?Ten years ago these slogans weren’t even whispered. Ten years ago it was also inconceivable that the United States could lose awar against a guerilla band or that segregated schools could be seriously challenged. It isn’t a new idea for young idealists to work to make the world a better place for all by trying to end exploitation and oppression and makinglove instead of war, but it has a deep hold on the consciousness of a growing minority.
Minority groups are becoming more and more aware of oppression, and possibilities for liberation and the homosexual community is no exception. From Tallahassee, Florida to Butte, Montana, Gay Liberation Front groups have formed to work for gay power —political, economic, social. As one spokesman put it, “We’re a larger minority than anybody realizes, and what we want now is not tolerance, but recognition.”
Militancy notwithstanding, the groups must undertake a penetrating study of our institutions and personalities. Why has homosexuality been so feared by the western world? What is the size and structure of the gay world which has always coexisted with the straight world? What possibilities exist for attaining personal and collective freedom? Recognizing the almost overwhelming problems facing them, gay liberation groups are now plunging along the same paths to liberation as women, blacks, and other oppressed groups.
The first meeting of the UR Gay Liberation Front was held October 3, with guest speakers from Cornell and Buffalo homophile groups. Meetings are open to all who are interested, regardless of sex or sexual orientation. In addition to several discussions held. since the first meeting, the UR Gay Liberation Front will sponsor the following major speakers and discussions: rap session —whither gay liberation? (December12); a doctor on venereal disease in upstate New York (January 9); a psychologist on the psychology of homosexuality (January 23); group discussion of gay literature (February 6); a panel of clergymen on sexuality and human rights (February 20), and a study of homosexuality in segregated institutions (March 6).