Gay Lib Desires Student Support Campus Times article announcing the split of the Gay Liberation Front with community members breaking off on their own and a group dedicated to students to remain on campus.
Homosexual? Ad in Campus Times stating that the Gay Liberation Front meets every Sunday in Todd Music Lounge
Gay Liberation Front Ad in the Campus Times for the weekly meetings and new member orientation of the UR Gay Liberation Front.
This Week at the Alternative Ad in the Campus Times mentions a discussion with Gay Lib members
GLA unhappy with profile The President of the Gay and Lesbian Association writes a letter sharing the misconceptions spread through a previously printed profile on the club.
Two Short Films on Homosexuality
The Gay Liberation Front and Sex Ed Committee present Two 15-minute movies about Male and Female Homosexuality.
'Jeffrey' entertains UR with shock value, dignity Play review of Drama House performance of "Jeffrey." The play uses humor to educate audiences on subjects such as AIDS, homosexuality, and transsexuality.
Gay? Ad for the Gay and Lesbian Association.
All-gender restrooms Article reporting on the efforts taken to create more all-gender bathrooms on campus.
Queer Ball Lets Students Be Themselves Article and photos depicting the first annual Queer Ball at the University of Rochester.
Lam Square's All-Gender Restroom Represents Real Progress Campus Times article about the progress associated with the newly constructed all-gender restroom in Rush Rhees Library.
Graffiti: displays of intolerance continue Co-Director of Pride Network attends a meeting for the Tolerance Committee in the wake of racist and homophobic graffiti on campus.
Graffiti Painted Over Pride Network conflicted on latest graffiti issue. Some members went "overboard" with their advertisements and facilities sprayed over text in the tunnels. However, the facilities members also sprayed over almost all mentions of sexuality and rainbows, as well as the dates and times of events.
We are all gay allies banner stolen "We are all gay allies" was hung in Wilson Commons in February. It was stolen. This is amongst the many hateful acts of graffiti and vandalism.
Life can be such a Drag Show Ad and article advertising the upcoming Pride Network Drag Show
We Are All Gay Allies vigil Candlelight vigil reacting to discrimination at the University of Rochester. The Campus Times issue features an in depth article detailing the recent hateful graffiti and vandalism across campus.
Big Gay Party Spring 2004 Pride Network party for Gaypril, held in Drama House on April 9, 2004.
GLBFA changes its name to Pride Network Campus Brief explaining the group's name change to Pride Network
Practice acceptance not just toleration Eastman student calls for broader acceptance of differences, not just tolerance.
Impossible post-op sexual pleasures Sex & the CT column in the April 11, 2002 issue of the Campus Times answers questions about sexual reassignment surgery.
UR a Drag Spring 2002 Campus Times full page featuring the drag performers at the spring Pride Network drag show for Gaypril (Gay Pride Month).
From the Pressbox (February 22, 2007) Sports column article about the John Amaechi book, "Man in the Middle."
From the Pressbox (December 2, 2004) An article in the sports section of the Campus Times discusses the Gay Games and combatting gay stereotypes.
Issues Concerning Voters Graphic in the November 02, issue of the Campus Times in regards to the 2000 election. Homosexuality is one of the listed hot topics.
GLBFA looks for supportive atmosphere Letter from the GLBFA advertising National Coming Out Day activities.
Lilly Speaks About AIDS Epidemic Dr. Frank Lilly talked to the UR Community about the practical, political, and research implications of AIDS.
Crossword Puzzle Clue 48: Marshall Goldman, Lance Loud, or Tchaikovsky, for example
Gay Liberation Schedule of Events Ad in Campus Times showing GLF scheduled events for April 15, 1973.
Rally 'Round The Flag, Boys A student letter advertising a Gay Liberation Front dance celebrating two years of Gay Liberation at Rochester.
GLBFA: More than an acronym Soon after the Gay and Lesbian Association (GLA) changed its name to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Friends Association (GLBFA) this letter was published defending the name from jokes about the long acronym.
Ian Harvie 2011 Poster for comedy show "Transgender Funny Man: 'The Comedian Margaret Cho Can't Stop Raving About!' March 2011
Gay Pride Week begins Sunday with Two Films The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Friends Association sponsors the first annual Gay Pride Week April 8-15, 1990.
A Message to the Non-Participants Message from the GLBFA encouraging more student interaction with events like Pride Week which just passed.
Homosexual Party Attacked Homophobic letter to the editor printed in the November 18, 1980 issue of Campus Times
Three Letters Responding to Homophobia Three letters to the editor responding to a previous homophobic letter.
More than a Woman Photo depicting UR's first annual Drag Show sponsored by the GLBFA.
Hot Ticket: Draggin' Ladies Stut in May Room Advertisement for upcoming drag show "UR a drag" hosted by the GLBFA. The event features local Rochester drag performers.
Drag Chic Photo from the GLBFS's latest drag show with local drag queen performers.
UR Student is Queen For A Day: Aurora Borealis Feature article on UR senior who performs as a drag queen printed in the April 4, 1996 issue of the Campus Times.
Out of the Closet: Gays and Lesbians in Film Poster for a free film series sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Friends Association and UR Cinema Group in Fall of 1992.
Gay Connection Ad for gay-related hotline sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Association. Printed in the February 07, 1986 issue of Campus Times.
See: 'Waiting For The Change' Ad in November 19, 1971 Campus Times for Videotape Available in the Chapel. Features The Gay Activist Alliance.
The Premiere of Fassbinder's Fox and His Friends Ad for film premier at Showplace Twin: Rochester's Only Repertory and Art Film Theatre. Printed among other film ads in September 29, 1976 issue of Campus Times
Gay Liberationists at the Sex Course Ad in April 24, 1974 issue of Campus Times
Gay Days at UR Back When, & Now Ad for event sponsored by Sex Education Committee and Gay Liberation Front presenting a gay alumnus from the class of 1948. Printed in April 24, 1974 issue of Campus Times.
Gay couple desires to meet others (male or female) just so we'll know we're not the only one. Classified ad in January 25, 1974 issue of Campus Times.
UR Gay Liberation Front sponsors an OPEN FORUM: Problems of Homosexuality at the UR Ad placed in the January 25, 1974 issue of Campus Times
Shortchanging Sexuality: The Corruption of Biblical Faith an informal lecture by Norman Pittenger Ad for lecture in February 14, 1972 issue of Campus Times. Lecture discussing homosexuality and biblical faith.
URSA's C.O.P.A. presents The Night Bell (a gay melodrama in one act) Ad for gay melodrama in the May 14, 1971 issue of the Campus Times
The October Revolution: Second Anniversary Dance
The Gay Liberation Front celebrates its second anniversary on Saturday, October 7th, 1972 with a dance,"The October Revolution."
Gay Academic Union Needs Support Anonymous letter calling for support for the forming Gay Academic Union to fill the needed role on campus.
Gay Male Invites All to 'Come Out of Closet' Anonymous gay student urges others to come out and hopes that a gay group could re-emerge to educate homophobic students on campus.
Gay Lib Information Offered Student offers context and information about the absense of gay liberation on campus.
First Semester Student Upset About Absence of Alliance on Campus Anonymous freshman wrote a letter into the Campus Times saddened that Rochester has not gay liberation front. Unbeknownst to the student there had been a strong Gay Liberation Front on campus until the previous semester.
Student reaction to movie 'encourages' Nixon The letter describes the cult following traditions of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The atmosphere is very accepting and refreshing for the gay community.
Gay Lib Grows Slowly: Gays Sense Discrimination Interview with two individuals involved with the Rochester Gay Liberation Front. The article describes the movements towards progress and current state of gay liberation.
100 Speak Out Against Hate Crime: Vigil for Matthew Shepard University of Rochester holds a vigil in wake of the brutal death of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student in Wyoming. There was also a panel discussion on the effect that hate crimes have on the U of R community. Together, the protestant chaplain Greg Osterberg and Vice President and the
University Dean of Students Paul Burgett led the vigil on October 22, 1998.
GAU: Aiming to Educate the UR Community Full page feature about the Gay Academic Union and the state of gay life on campus printed in the April 15, 1983 issue of the Campus Times.
David Hollenbeck, UR Class of 1948, Now Active in Gay Liberation GLF student publishes letter from gay activist alumni who has been censored by alumni news. Letter published in March 25, 1974 issue of the Campus Times.
Final Arguments in Long Debate A final page full of arguments on homosexuality. The editor's note declares an end to the debates. Printed on March 16, 1978, almost 5 months and over 20 letters after the original op-ed that sparked the debates. Homosexual Questions Tolerance of Christians; Bergen Replies to Miligen Letter; Editor's Note.
Four letters on homosexuality Four letters to the editor continuing the homosexuality debate that were printed in the December 9, 1977 issue of the Campus Times.
Sorenson defends validity of Bible, questions nonbelievers; SA Senator accepts rights of homosexuals; Persky responds to Fuhr; Pybus asks for gay equality.
Religion alone condemns gays Letter to the editor in the December 6, 1977 issue of the Camput Times. The letter points out that the only arguments against homosexuality have been centered around religion.
Bergen Restates Views in Answer to Sorenson, Calls Him Vague Letter to the editor in the November 11, 1977 issue of Campus Times. Original op-ed author clarifies points on homosexuality and encourages education. He advertises the resources that can be found through the Gay Liberation Front.
Op-ed on Homosexuality Complimented Letter to the editor in the November 07, 1977 issue of the Campus Times. The letter critiques the previous arguments and advocates for respecting others sexuality.
Sorenson asks for clarification of op-ed Letter to the editor published in the November 04, 1992 issue of the Campus Times. The letter, continuing the debates on homosexuality, complains that the gay arguments lack merit and explanations. Author asks for clarification on both sides of the argument. He calls for futher education on issues of homosexuality.
Gay Liberation Front and Sex Education Present Movies
The Gay Liberation Front collaborates with the Sex Education Committee to present two short movies dealing with male and female homosexuality followed by a discussion on October 8, 1972.
"Going Very, Very Public," Memories of a gay debut in concert, TV, radio and pamphlet
Karen Hagberg speaks at October 1, 1972 meeting of the Gay Liberation Front
GLF Spring Dance
Gay Liberation Front Spring Dance held on May 6, 1972
'Do gay men really act that way?' Find Out!
April 23, 1972 Meeting of the Gay Liberation Front discussing gay stereotypes and spreading education. They encourage straight students and Psych 214 students to attend.
Gay Liberation Front Meeting for Straight Students
March 19, 1972 meeting of the Gay Liberation Front encouraging straight students to attend and learn about gay lib.
Gay Peoples' Views on Bisexuality
Gay Liberation Front of February 18, 1972 discussing gay people's views on bisexuality. A mention of the GLF library upstairs in Todd Union is included.
Gay Liberation Front Dance for Valentine's Day
February 12, 1972 Dance hosted by the Gay Liberation Front, open to everyone.
Gay Liberation Discussion
November 21, 1971 Gay Liberation Front discussion at Alternative Coffeehouse
Gays Find UR Atmosphere Oppressive Article starting on the front page of the March 18, 1977 issue of the Campus Times. The article explains some of the struggles faced by members of the Gay Liberation Front at the moment and in general on campus.
Lesbians, gays promote issues through silence Campus Times article printed in the March 27, 1997 issue. The Article highlights the issues faced by gay youth and the importance of participation in activities like the Day of Silence.
Gay Respect Letter to the editor from the Gay Liberation Front relating to the difficulties of coming out and stigma on campus. Printed in the January 20, 1976 issue of the Campus Times
Gay Views: Gay Lib Benefits Everyone Article in the April 10, 1975 issue of the Campus Times detailing the benefits of Gay Liberation to both straight and gay students.
Gay Views: Hippy-fag-dyke Radicals in GLF? Article in the April 21, 1975 issue of the Campus Times breaking down some stereotypes and outlining the importance of GLF.
Forum: Transexuality Ad in the April 7, 1977 issue of the Campus Times. Gay Liberation Front sponsored forum on Transexuality featuring speaker Renee Hughson
Course Given on Sexuality Article in the February 21, 1972 issue of the Campus Times introducing a new class exploring human sexuality. The course, "Psychology and Biological Foundations of Human Sexuality" is run by a committee that includes graduate student Paul Walker.
UR Gay Lib Front Claims Oppression Letter to the Editor in the May 18, 1971 issue of the Campus Times. It is written by the Gay Liberation Front bringing to light the issues faced by Eastman students under Dean of Students Flora Burton.
Pomeroy: Who Do You Make 'It' With? Article in the April 30, 1971 issue of the Campus Times describing the speech given by Dr. Wardell Pomeroy at the University.
UR Cinema Group is presenting 'The Queen' Ad in the March 5, 1971 issue of the Campus Times presenting a film about transvestism and female impersonators
Pride & Prejudice: Gay Pride Week 1997 Full-page feature article in the Campus Times about the gay history and plans for Gay Pride Week 1997
Gay Pride Week brings homophobia into the light Article in the Campus Times describes the defacement and tearing down of posters. This reflects the campus atmosphere at this time.
Gay History Month 2008 Poster made by Pride Network featuring the events planned for October.
Gay History Month 2006 Poster made by Pride Network featuring the events planned for October.
October 1996 National Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual History Month Poster made by GLBFA featuring the events planned for October.
October 1995 National Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual History Month Poster made by GLBFA featuring the events planned for October.
Gay Pride Week 1992 Ad in the Campus Times featuring the events of UR Gay Pride Week 1992 (April 5-12)
Gay Pride Week 1994 Events poster for the 1994 Gay Pride Week at the University of Rochester (April)
LGBTQ Awareness Month 2019 Events poster for the University of Rochester LGBTQI Awareness Month 2019 (April 1-31, 2019)
LGBTQI Awareness Month 2014 Events poster for the University of Rochester LGBTQI Awareness Month 2014 (April)
LGBTQ Awareness Month 2018 Events poster for the University of Rochester LGBTQI Awareness Month 2018 (April)
LGBTQI Awareness Month 2016 Events poster for the University of Rochester LGBTQI Awareness Month 2016 (April)
LGBTQI Awareness Month 2013 Events poster for the University of Rochester LGBTQI Awareness Month 2013 (April)
Psychology and Homosexuality
May 15, 1971 meeting of the Gay Liberation Front featuring Paul Walker as a speaker
WROC radio show "Night Call"
Rochester Gay Liberation to be featured on WROC radio show "Night Call," a radio program centering on controversial issues with public questions and comments.
Homosexuality in Segregated Institutions
March 6, 1971 Panel discussion meeting of the Gay Liberation Front
Homosexuality and the Church
February 20, 1971 Panel discussion meeting of the Gay Liberation Front
Mark Ruben of New York Gay Activists' Alliance
December 12, 1970 Meeting of the Gay Liberation Front discussing liberation tactics in Rochester
The Homosexual and the law, Gay Civil Rights, Repression and Oppression
November 7, 1970 meeting of the Gay Liberation Front
First Gay Liberation Front meeting
The first ever Gay Liberation Front meeting was held in the Todd Union music room on October 3, 1970 featuring speakers from the Cornell Student Homophile League.
GLF Campus Times ad for the Gay Liberation Front c1973
Alleviate the discomfort of Queer Fear Campus Times Ad for the Gay Liberation Front c1973
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Full-page article with illustrations describing the cult phenomenon of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Cinematic Sexuality Poster for a film series held in the Gowen Room of Wilson Commons at the University of Rochester in the fall of 1981. Cinematic Sexuality was a film series exploring human sexuality sponsored by many health and social groups. Movies include: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Turning Point, Midnight Cowboy, Carnal Knowledge, Get out your Handkerchiefs, and The Devil in Miss Jones.
GAU Holds Meeting (September 1982) Members of the Gay Academic Union write a letter explaining the need for their group and why they are resurrecting the previously unsuccessful group.
Coming Out Week Poster 2002 October 7th-11th: Coming Out Week events hosted by Pride Network. Calling students to "Be Out, Be Proud, Be Visible!"
UR Gay Liberation Front To Analyze Institutions Article relaying details about the newly formed Gay Liberation Front on campus including a run down of events for the upcoming semester.
Johnston: 'One Must Not Be Intimidated' Writer Jill Johnston spoke at the University about "Homosexuality and Women's Liberation" for the fine arts forum on Wednesday, November 4th, 1970.
The Sex Education Committee presents `The Homosexuals' Ad in the Campus Times. The Sex Education Committee is presenting a free film in Hoyt Hall. 'The Homosexuals' is a 1967 documentary episode on homosexuality.
Notice- Gay Lib: UR Gay Liberation Front Notice in Campus Times announcing the first meeting of the Gay Liberation Front.
Stagers to Present Luv, Schisgal's Spoof on Love An excerpt from a play review of a play performed at the University. Homosexuality is one of the themes within the play.
Review of Experiment '66: The Collection by Harold Pinter A review of a play performed at the University that deals with homosexual themes of two male characters. This play was performed by students in Strong Auditorium on December 10th and 11th 1965 as a part of Experiment '66.
'Tea and Sympathy' Creates Understanding of Frailties Review of a play focusing on themes of homosexuality. Possibly the first printing of 'homosexuality' in the Campus Times.
Nixon reports student feelings on GLF Letter to the editor discussing the general campus opinions about Gay Liberation, ranging from tolerant to completely averse.
Op-ed Annoying to Student Letter to the editor asserting that homosexuality is immoral and should be kept out of the public. This letter is in regard to "Op-Ed: Sexual Ignorance Is Rampant" of October 26, 1976. The original author's response is also shown, presenting the letter's homophobia as the reason Gay Liberation is needed and maintaining the importance of gay visibility.
Gay Freedom Letter to the Editor about the Dean of Students at the Eastman School of Music, Flora Burton's, mistreatment of homosexual students.
Op-Ed: Sexual Ignorance Is Rampant Op-Ed about the general ignorance surrounding sexuality prevalent in the University community. Author calls readers to educate themselves and to interact with the Gay Liberation Front on campus.
Pride Week 1991 UR GAY Pride Week 1991
Gay Pride Week 1993 GLBFA Presents Gay Pride Week (April 1993)
Gay Pride Week 1996 Gay Pride Week April 1996
Gay History Month October 1999
Big Gay Party 2005 Pride Network Presents: Big Gay Party
One of the biggest parties of the year at UR! Everyone, Gay or Straight, is invited to come dance to the best music of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and today! Friday, April 29, 2005 10:00pm - 2:00am Community Learning Center BYOB!! Bring your college ID. 18 to enter, 21 to drink!
'94 Gay Pride Week April 1994 Gay Pride Week University of Rochester
"TAKE HEART BROTHERS, Gay Lib is coming!" Campus Times (May 08, 1970), Page Eight, Classifieds
"Sex, Drugs Discussed- Psych Seminar Groups Revive 101" Campus Times (October 24, 1969), Page Three
Gaypril 2003 Pride Month at the University of Rochester
Gaypril 2002 University of Rochester Gay Pride Month 2002 Poster