On February 6, 1970, WRUR inaugurated its 20,000 watt stereo FM station.

The complete program is available here.

University of Rochester President W. Allen Wallis offers his perspective on the history and significance of WRUR (00:02:40):
[file id=18267]

Rochester Mayor Steven May speaks about the impact of WRUR-FM on the community (00:01:40):
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College of Arts of Sciences Dean Kenneth Clark on the educational aspects of WRUR-FM (00:02:25)
[file id=18265]

Treasurer of the Students Association Gerald Katz on the process of funding the new radio station (00:04:45 sec)
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WRUR Program Director Fred Cooper speaks about the news and public affairs programming offered by the radio station (1 min, 55 sec). Transcription available here.
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Crap from the Past

"Carts" were used to pre-record and playback station and program identifications. The cartridge format was invented in 1952, and marketed in 1959. It differs from 8-track tapes in construction and playback quality. The cart labelled "Crap from the Past '70s ID" is from the program of that name hosted by Ron Gerber '90, '92MS. His radio programs are archived at http://crapfromthepast.com/archives/index.htm. The second cart is labelled "Informal ID-50th Anniversary" and may date to 1998, the 50th anniversary of the launch of WRUR.

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